Adult Education Academy

Group 2

Comparative Group 2: Innovative teaching methods for adult and lifelong learning

This comparative group will be focusing on the development of innovative teaching methods in adult and lifelong learning. The main background of comparative group is based on the notion of teaching methods and the practice of effective teaching for comprehensive learning. Teaching methods in the world of education, whether locally, regionally or globally are constantly constituting powerful varied perspectives in ranges of academic field. The impetus to teach (in the higher education especially and at other levels) effectively has become a very complex layer of intriguing mazes that must be negotiated properly to achieve impact and results over a range of learning issues and contexts. Whether teaching a group of five adult learners in a non-formal setting in a village centre or a crowd of growing minds of the young adult in the higher learning classes, the ability of the facilitator (or change agent) to develop a greater thinking capacity and skills for problem solving in day to day life interactions is the goal. As classroom teaching becomes more passive, frustrating and disenchanting for the learners, it becomes imperative to commit strong engagements, not just to subject matters, but how to teach them effectively in a way it will create innovative unique experiences of classroom providing insightful critiques and solutions based on theories. From these theoretical point of views, students will compare teaching methodes with regard to the curriculum and the study of teaching methods on the macro level of their individual home universities in their different programmes and levels and on the meso level of curriculum development, national policies on teaching and at the mega level of international policies.

Comparative research question

1. What are the policies that impact teaching strategies in higher education in your country?

2. Is there any relationship between the policies at national level, the theoretical dimension and the practice?

3. Are there enactments, policies on teaching and learning in the curriculum at your universities?

4. What type of specific teaching methods are used in your universities and which one can be considered innovative and how are they being implemented?

5. Are there innovative programmes and opportunities aimed at aiding teachers to teach effectively and being taught to you in your classroom in your universities?

6. What will be considered innovative in the teaching methods used in the formal, non-formal and informal way employed in your country?

Context of comparison

The comparative group will emphasise teaching proficiencies and competences that are essential for professionalism of graduates in adult education and lifelong learning at a mega, macro and meso level. The comparison will deal with the educational policies, stratagems and approaches that are developed at a global, national and local level to improve, aid, and empower development of teaching methods and skills. These will be studied from a didactic viewpoint and andrological perceptions as applied with students deciding their potentials for comparison.