Prof. Vanna Boffo

Vanna Boffo, PhD., is Full Professor in Adult Education and LifeLong Learning and Dean of the Department of Education, Languages, Intercultures, Literatures and Psychology at the University of Florence (2021-2025). She is Coordinator of the Doctoral Course in Educational and Psychological Sciences (2019-2025). She was Rector’s Delegate for Job Placement at the University of Florence (2015-2021) and President of the Master Degree Course in Adult, continuing education and Pedagogical sciences (2016-2022); She served as Vice-President for the Italian University Network for Permanent Learning (RUIAP) associate EUCEN (2018-2021); She is Director (with Paolo Federighi) of the Book Series Studies on Adult Learning and Education, Firenze University Press (since 2014) and the Director of the EPALE Journal on Adult Learning and Continuing Education (since 2017); She was Principal investigator for University of Florence of Erasmus+ Project Compall (2015-2018) and Intall (2018-2021). She participated to the Adult Education Academy from the beginning in February 2014.
Her current research activities are concentrated in three ambits:
1. The first relating to particular topics in the adult education sectors, from training for and in the workplace, to the study of training courses for career guidance and entry to the world of work, aimed more specifically at internal analysis of the innovative sectors of work pedagogy;
2. The second oriented towards the study of institutional systems in Higher Education from the Curricula and Educational pathways point of view;
3. The third one oriented to the pedagogy of educational relations and pedagogy of care and wellbeing.
CG3: Education, Learning and Active Ageing: Competences for Work and Life
Co-Moderator: Prof. Fabio Togni
Active Ageing, if it wants to release all its potential, cannot be an emergency measure referring only to the elderly persons, but must be prepared throughout the Life Course. There is, in fact, a close correlation between the development of Life Skills in formal, informal and informal experiences and the enabling factors for active aging. To understand this transition (life-profession-skills development) it is important to pay attention to some aspects:
- Policies of active ageing and transition care (Policy level)
- The professional histories of workers and retired persons (Ideographical level)
- Strategies that connect the demand for training and the care of the transition (Continuing educational level)
A comparative and transnational analysis between these levels can be of great interest in order to stimulate educational policy making processes.
She wrote more than 220 articles, books, essays at the scientific level
Boffo Vanna, Gamberi Letizia, Odusanya Anike, Akkeila Reem (2022). The Dimension of Policies to Foster Employability in Higher Education. SISYPHUS, vol. 10, pp. 85-106, ISSN:2182-9640.
Boffo Vanna., Togni Fabio. (2021). Entrepreneurial Organization in Higher Education. Professional and Educational Answers to the Crisis (The Pandemic and More). ANDRAGOŠKE STUDIJE, vol. I, pp. 21-40, ISSN:0354-5415 DOI Accesso ONLINE all'editore
Boffo Vanna; Tomei Nicoletta(2020). Didactical Guide on Employability. A Guide for Teachers to support Master’s and PhD students preparing for successful future work in the field of Adult Learning and Education. Pisa: Pacini, ISBN:978-88-3379-246-0 Accesso ONLINE all'editore
Boffo Vanna (2020). Storytelling and Other Skills: Building Employability in Higher Education. In: Regina Egetenmeyer, Vanna Boffo, Stefanie Kröner. International and Comparative Studies in Adult and Continuing Education, pp. 31-50, Firenze: Firenze University Press, ISBN:978-88-5518-154-9. Accesso ONLINE all'editore
Boffo Vanna (2019). Employability and Higher Education: A category for the future. NEW DIRECTIONS FOR ADULT AND CONTINUING EDUCATION, vol. 163, pp. 11-23, ISSN:1536-0717 DOI Accesso ONLINE all'editore
Boffo Vanna; Fedeli Monica (2018). Employability & Competences. Innovative Curricula for New Professions. di Vanna Boffo, Monica Fedeli, Firenze: Firenze University Press, pp. 1-520, 978-88-6453-671-2. Accesso ONLINE all'editore