Prof. Heribert Hinzen

Heribert Hinzen, Prof.(H) Dr. Dr. h.c. mult., is a senior consultant on adult education and lifelong learning for sustainable development. He worked for DVV International for almost four decades, both in headquarters and in offices in Sierra Leone, Hungary and Lao PDR. He is an Honorary Professor at the Universities of Pécs, Bucharest and Iasi, a Visiting Professor at the University of Glasgow, and teaches comparative adult education at the University of Würzburg. He has served as Vice-President of the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE) and the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA), and is currently Vice-President of the global network for Promoting, Interrogating and Mobilising Adult learning and education (PIMA). He was a member of the CONFINTEA VI Consultative Group and member of the BFA Drafting Committee, the UN Literacy Decade Expert Group, and a delegate to the World Education Fora of 2000 and 2015. He is an Honorary Fellow of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) and a member of the Editorial Boards of the International Review of Education – Journal of Lifelong Learning, CONVERGENCE. An International Adult Education Journal, and Bildung und Erziehung.
- Adult education within lifelong learning
- Citizenship and education for sustainable development
- Policy, legislation and financing of ALE
- Professionalzation and institutionalization
CG2: Higher education supporting the development of adult learning and education: Examples, experiences, expectations
Co-Moderator: Prof. Balázs Németh & Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mar Joanpere Foraster
This issue relates to three main areas for action to widen participation and performance in university lifelong learning programmes:
- Policy environments to promote lifelong learning in higher education
- Institutional governance and implementation
- Widening access through diversification and flexibility
The third above mentioned area takes us to some key issues of adult learning, like reaching out to non-traditional learners and vulnerable groups, diversified learning provision, flexible learning pathways, technology-enhanced learning, social responsibility and local partnerships. These areas can allow universities to either initiate actions in accordance with those emerging areas of intervention for better participation in quality learning and to enhance learning opportunities for a potentially wider group of non-traditional learners.
The roles of higher education in lifelong learning having been emphasized by UNESCO UIL reflections are the results of a wider scope on interactions amongst various sectors of education and beyond to understand potentials of skills development, as a dominating layer of educational policy focuses so as to help engagement, participation be settled through equitable measures and quality concerns, by recognising on the one hand, the impact of national qualifications frameworks for educational and VET programmes and for skills policies, but also to rely more, on the other hand, claiming developments in non-formal and informal learning for adults.
Belete, S., Duke, C., Hinzen, H., Owusu-Boampong, A., Phuoc, K. H. (2022). Community Learning Centres (CLCs) for Adult Learning and Education (ALE): development in and by communities. In: International Review of Education, 68:259–290.
Denholm, J., Hinzen, H., Németh, B., Phuoc, K. (Eds.) (2022). Special Issue on CONFINTEA. PIMA Bulletin, 44.
Duke, C., Hinzen, H., & Sarrazin, R. (Eds.) (2021). Public Financing of Popular Adult Learning and Education (ALE). Experience, lessons and recommendations from 14 country and case studies. Bonn: DVV International.
Hinzen, H., Khau, H.P., Slowey, M. (Eds.) (2024). Signposts to a sustainable future: Valuing, sharing and using the collective legacy of adult learning and education. International Review of Education, Volume 70, Issue 2.
Hinzen, H., Klement, C., Klun, J., Németh, B. (2022). Local experiences and global commitments in citizenship education and adult learning in communities: Comparative perspectives on Austria, Germany, Hungary, and Slovenia. In: Sisyphus. Jornal of Education, Vol. 10, 2, 129-155.
Hinzen, H., Meilhammer, E. (2022). 100 years of Volkshochschule in Germany – 50 years of DVV International: Signposts for local and global comparative perspectives on adult learning and education. Int Rev Educ 68, 125–154 (2022).
Hinzen, H., Slowey, M. & Khau, H.P. (2024). Learning from the past for the future: Signposts and landmark anniversaries in adult learning and education. International Review of Education, 70, 177–204.