Prof. Fabio Togni

Prof. Fabio Togni, PhD, is Professor in General and Social Pedagogy at the Department of Education, Languages, Interculture, Literatures and Psychology, University of Florence, Italy.
His research focuses on Philosophy of Education, Longevity and Quality Education at the Higher Education level.
CG3: Education, Learning and Active Ageing: Competences for Work and Life
Co-Moderator: Prof. Vanna Boffo
Active Ageing, if it wants to release all its potential, cannot be an emergency measure referring only to the elderly persons, but must be prepared throughout the Life Course. There is, in fact, a close correlation between the development of Life Skills in formal, informal and informal experiences and the enabling factors for active aging. To understand this transition (life-profession-skills development) it is important to pay attention to some aspects:
- Policies of active ageing and transition care (Policy level)
- The professional histories of workers and retired persons (Ideographical level)
- Strategies that connect the demand for training and the care of the transition (Continuing educational level)
A comparative and transnational analysis between these levels can be of great interest in order to stimulate educational policy making processes.
- TOGNI F. (2023), Pedagogy and medicine. Towards an embedded epistemological approach. In: Boffo V., Del Gobbo G., Torlone F.. Perspective in Adult Education, Firenze: FUP.
- TOGNI F. (2023). Il difetto di natura. Physis, areté, paideia. Roma: Studium, ISBN:978-88-382-5337-9
- TOGNI F., BOFFO V. (2022). Seriality and transition experience in adulthood: a study on edutainment of Serials. In: J. Fombona Cadavieco, R. Navas Sanz. Impacto del Proyecto AEi: Adultos, Empleo e Inclusión/Impact of the AEi Project: Adults, Employment and Inclusion, pp. 26-33, Oviedo: Universidad de Oviedo, ISBN:978-84-18482-58-8.
- BOFFO V., TOGNI F. (2021). Entrepreneurial Organization in Higher Education. Professional and Educational Answers to the Crisis (The Pandemic and More). ANDRAGOŠKE STUDIJE, vol. I, pp. 21-40, ISSN:0354-5415