Dr. Joellen Coryell

What excites you about adult learning and education?
"The field of adult and continuing education is fascinating given its incredible scope and ability to bring different disciplines, institutions, cultures, stakeholders, learners and leaders together toward progressive human and community advances for improved lives, work, development, equity and social justice."
Joellen E. Coryell, PhD, is Associate Dean for Educational Partnerships and Enrollment for the College of Education and Professor of Adult, Professional, and Community Education in the Department of Counseling, Leadership, Adult Education, and School Psychology at Texas State University. She holds a B.A. in international economics from the University of Illinois), an M.Ed. in curriculum and instruction from Texas State University, and a PhD in educational human resource development and adult education from Texas A&M University. Joellen has worked across her career in executive business management and corporate training, in faculty development for learning and teaching, and as program director for master’s and doctoral programs in two universities. In her current role as Associate Dean, she provides direction for creating and sustaining educational partnerships in the public and private sectors related to the 24 undergraduate and 26 graduate programs in the College, for strategic planning, for facilitating new student and alumni outreach, and for utilizing equity and inclusion data to support student recruitment and retention initiatives.
- Faculty development in higher education
- Adult and higher education internationalization processes
- Active learning and teaching methodologies
- Adult and professional education study abroad
- Capacity building and community involvement in international education aid programs
- Service-learning in international education
- Graduate student development
CG5: Higher/Adult Edcuation for sustainable development: policies and practices
Co-Moderator: Prof. Monica Fedeli, Dr. Concetta Tino
Higher education has seen as the guide for the modernization of societies (Rungfamai 2019). In fact, today University is not only an educational institution or the centre of knowledge creating (research) but recently the so-called third mission (engagement) is part of its main activities. With this wide expansion of university role
higher education has acquired a larger potential for contributing to societal development. Through these three tasks university has the possibility to generate effects on all individuals and systems of society: on those that are taking part of formal or continuing learning paths (educational role); on the policy and educational systems (research); on the whole communities (engagement). For the general and the potentiality of the effect that it can generate on the societies the university has also the responsibility to act as one of the main agents for guaranteeing an education for sustainability (EfS).
Parallelly to university also adult education organizations can play an important role to develop individuals’ mindset for sustainability. An organization that embodies education for sustainability must take on a whole-institution approach (WIA), looking into various dimensions of the institution such as pedagogy and learning, curriculum, community-connections, capacity-building, institutional practices, and vision, ethos, leadership and coordination (Mathie & Wals, 2022).
After the CGW the participants will be able to know what can be done within an organization to contribute to the development of individuals’ mindset for sustainability.
According to WIA approach, they will explore the state of art of regulations and practices adopted by universities/ adult organizations institutions to achieve the goals of Agenda 2030 and learn how to compare policy and practices for sustainability.
CORYELL, J. E., BAUMGARTNER, L., & BOHONOS, J. (Forthcoming in 2024). Methods for facilitating adult learning: Strategies for enhancing instruction and instructor effectiveness. Routledge.
HAYDEN, B., & CORYELL, J. E. (Accepted). “Mirroring yourself”: Peer mentors circle support for international graduate student transitions. Journal of International Students. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v13i4.4746
CORYELL, J. E., CINQUE, M., FEDELI, M., LAPINA-SALAZAR, A., & TINO, C. (2022). University teaching in global times: Research on the perspectives of Italian university faculty about teaching international graduate students. Journal of Studies in International Education, 26(3), 369-389.
STEPHENS, M., & CORYELL, J. E. (2021). Faculty perspectives on context, benefits, and challenges in fully online graduate adult education programs. Adult Learning, 32(2), 79-88. https://doi.org/10.1177/1045159520959468
CORYELL, J. E., & SALCEDO, A. (2021). Values and attitudes for teaching international graduate student populations: European insights for instructional professional development during European higher education internationalization. In K. Bista & C. Glass (Eds.). Routledge Studies in Global Student Mobility (pp. 101-117). Routledge. [refereed].
CORYELL, J. E., FEDELI, M., & LAPINA SALAZAR, A. (2019). Survey of faculty instructional professional development for teaching international graduate students: The case of the Università degli Studi di Padova. Excellence and Innovation in Learning and Teaching, 2, 22-41. DOI:10.3280/EXI2019-002002
DAVIS, B., FEDELI, M., & CORYELL, J. E. (2019). International experiences to increase employability for education doctoral students. A comparative study. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 147-161. DOI: 10.1002/ace.20348
CORYELL, J. E., SEHIN, O., & PEÑA, C. (2018). Adult education through a cosmopolitan lens: A review of the research literature. Adult Education Quarterly, 68(3), 179-196. DOI: 10.1177/0741713618761092
CORYELL, J. E. (2018). Learning to teach: Adult learning theory and methodologies for creating effective learning environments and promoting students’ active learning. In E. Felisatti & A. Serbati (Eds.), Sviluppare la professionalità docente e innovare la didattica universitaria (pp. 53-66). Milano: Franco Angeli. [refereed].
CORYELL, J. E., STEWART, P., WUBBENA, Z., SPENCER, B. J., & VALVERDE, C. (2016). International service-learning, study abroad, and global citizenship development in a post-disaster locale. In D. Velliaris (Ed.), Handbook of research on study abroad programs and outbound mobility (pp. 420-445). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. [refereed].
SEHIN, O., & CORYELL, J. E., & STEWART, P. (2017). Engendering hope: Women’s community (dis)engagement in Afghanistan. Adult Learning, 28(3), 91-98. DOI: 10.1177/1045159516679357
CORYELL, J. E., SAILORS, M., NELSON, R., & SEHIN, O. (2016). Capacity building at mid-programme: An international education development programme in Malawi. Development in Practice, 26(3), 272–284. DOI: 10.1080/09614524.2016.1150416
CORYELL, J. E. (2016). Creating and sustaining teaching and learning centers: Models of resources and support, lessons learned, and building a culture of teaching and learning excellence. Excellence and Innovation in Teaching and Learning. Research and Practices, 1(1), 71-83.
DENTITH, A., WRIGHT, R. R., & CORYELL, J. E. (2015). Those “mean girls and their friends”: Bullies and mob rule in the academy. Adult Learning, 26(1) 28-34. DOI: 10.1177/1045159514558409
CORYELL, J. E., & MURRAY, K. (2014). Adult learning and doctoral student research forum participation: Insights into the nature of professional participatory experience. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 9, 309-327. Retrieved from http://ijds.org/Volume9/IJDSv9p309-327Coryell0643.pdf