Deutsch Intern
Chair of school pedagogy


Fields of Activity at the Chair of School Pedagogy

  • Development and evaluation of theory-driven and practice-based teaching concepts and strategies to promote media educational competencies in teacher education with particular regard to a critical analysis of media and society
  • "Teaching and Learning about Media": Perspectives on teaching and learning about media on an international level with a particular focus on Anglo-American countries and Germany


Research Interests

  • Media education within digital progress, social change and pedagogical challenge
  • Influences of media on the individual and society as a whole through the transportation of disinformation, conspiracy theories and hate speech
  • Social Networks in the context of economic and power political interests: Influencing and influencer marketing
  • Political opinion making in social networks 


  • PhD Thesis: Promoting media educational competencies in initial teacher education: developing and evaluating a practice-based and theory-driven concept with particular regard to a critical analysis of media and society
  • Medialogues: Advancing the quality of media literacy education through a professional learning community by developing the knowledge, confidence, and leadership skills of German and American teachers and educators
  • Bring Truth to Fear: Utilizing media literacy competencies to tackle fear-based thinking through a game-based learning environment