Group 7: Professionalisation Strategies in Adult Education

Professionalisation Strategies in Adult Education
Prof. Dr. Regina Egetenmeyer
The professionalisation of teaching staff is one main demand in the context of European Lifelong Learning documents. Since a few years there is developing in the European context a competence-oriented approach which describes diverse competences teachers and trainers in adult education should have. We may have a look in the comparison on the tradition, theories and legal frames of professionalisation in adult education in students’ home countries.
Please prepare the following aspects in your essays:
1. Historical national background on professionalisation in adult education: Where do you find roots? Which conditions supported the professionalisation processes in adult education?
2. Basic legislation: Is there any legisative background concerning professionalisation in adult education?
3. Actors: Who engage how in the professionalisation of adult education?
4. Programmes, Projects: Which programmes concerning professionalisation in adult education are available?
5. Financial support/ situation: Which information do you have about financial situation in the context of professionalisation in adult education?
6. Actual situation and developments in professionalisation in adult education
7. Final remarks (synthesis and conclusions)
8. Main bibliographic references used in the paper and other references for further reading