Deutsch Intern
Chair of school pedagogy

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Presentation of Research Findings at ECER 2023


A team from the Chair of School Pedagogy presented research findings at the European Conference of Educational Research (ECER 2023) in Glasgow, UK.

At the ECER Conference in Glasgow, UK, a team from the Chair of School Pedagogy presented first research findings from the project "Media Literacy in Initial Teacher Education from an International Perspective". In the presentation about "The Advancement of Media Literacy Education in Initial Teacher Education in Germany, Turkey and the USA", first conclusions from the expert interviews were introduced. As the results and the discussion with the international audience showed, advancing media literacy competencies in initial teacher education is an important desideratum also on an international level. Yet, currently respective efforts to integrate media literacy competencies into initial teacher education are seldom systemized and often depend on the teacher educators' engagement. Hence, the results presented reveal a need for further research and international collaboration in this important field.