Deutsch Intern
  • Studierende vor dem Zentralen Hörsaal und Seminargebäude (Z6) am Hubland Süd-Campus
  • Menschen am Main mit Blick auf die alte Mainbrücke, das Käppele und die Festung Marienberg.
Institute of Education

Bachelor of Arts Pädagogik


Sustainable teaching and successful research are mutually beneficial. Many of our events therefore focus on academic discussion between students and teachers. While scientific thinking and argumentation are practiced in this way, the emergence of new insights for concrete pedagogical action can be experienced at the same time.


Science and studies thrive on differentiation and diversity. Our program therefore combines the different perspectives of scientific theory and empirical research with questions of concrete pedagogical action. It offers our students international networking opportunities and focuses on interculturality and environmental education.


With a great deal of personal commitment, our lecturers are always coming up with innovative ideas for the course. The study program is flanked by personal counseling and well-organized structures. The cooperation of two very renowned chairs and an internationally networked professorship make it possible to study at the very highest level.

The study at a glance:

Admission requirements: 180, 120, 75 & 60 ECTS admission free

Start of study: winter semester

Standard period of study: 6 semesters (maximum period of study: 8 semesters)

Multi-perspective orientation: General Education, Empirical Educational Research & Adult Education

Additional qualification: Certificates in environmental education and  intercultural competence

Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B. A.)