Deutsch Intern
  • Studierende vor dem Zentralen Hörsaal und Seminargebäude (Z6) am Hubland Süd-Campus
  • Menschen am Main mit Blick auf die alte Mainbrücke, das Käppele und die Festung Marienberg.
Institute of Education

Application and admission

The 180 ECTS program (new as of WiSe20/21)

The study of pedagogy as a major without a second subject is free of admission!

You can enroll directly in the study program. Enrollment for open-admission programs at JMU for the winter semester is possible online starting 07/20.

The 120 ECTS program

The study of education as a major subject in combination with a minor subject is free of admission!

You can enroll directly in the study program. Enrollment for open-admission programs at JMU for the winter semester is possible online starting 07/20.

Please note any admission restrictions for the minor subject.

The 75 ECTS program

The study of pedagogy as a major subject in combination with another major subject is free of admission!

You can enroll directly in the study program. Enrollment for open-admission programs at JMU for the winter semester is possible online starting 07/20.

Please also note any admission restrictions for the second major.


The 60 ECTS program

The study of pedagogy as a minor subject in combination with a major subject is free of admission!

You can enroll directly in the study program. Enrollment for open-admission programs at JMU for the winter semester is possible online starting 07/20.

Please also note any admission restrictions for the major.