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Institute of Education

Master of Educational Science

The Study Course at a Glance

Application until 15.07.

From October 2025, University of Würzburg is offering the English Master “Adult Education and Management in Lifelong Education". Please follow this link, if you are interested in our study programme.

Admission Requirements: Grade point average of 2.5 (overall or in basic pedagogical skills)

Start of study: winter semester

Standard period of study: 4 semesters (maximum period of study: 6 semesters)

Multi-perspective orientation: general education, empirical educational research, (international) adult education and contunuing education

Degree: Master of Arts (M. A.)

General Overview of the Master of Educational Science

The Master of Educational Science has three elective areas I, II, III. In each elective area, one sub-area with German modules and one sub-area with English modules are offered. Thus, you can complete the program entirely in German, entirely in English, or mixed. You decide anew in each elective area whether you choose the German sub-area or the English sub-area. Students who study all elective areas in English and complete one semester at the University of Padua have the opportunity to earn a double-degree.

Compulsory Elective Area I (45 ECTS-Points)

In compulsory elective area I, the required 45 ECTS credits must be completed either entirely in "Unterbereich A: Elementare Fragen und Diskurse der Bildungswissenschaft" or entirely in "Sub-area B: International Perspectives on Education and Lifelong Learning".

Unterbereich A: Elementare Fragen und Diskurse der Bildungswissenschaft

Module des Unterbereichs

  • Problemfelder der Bildungstheorie und Bildungsgeschichte
  • Bildung im Kontext aktueller Forschungsdiskurse der systematischen Bildungswissenschaft
  • Bildung und Ethik
  • Bildung, Politik und Rhetorik
  • Medialität als gesellschaftliche Problemstellung
  • Bildung und Sozialität
  • Praktikum Bildungswissenschaft
  • Bildungswissenschaftliches Lehr- und Forschungsprojekt

Sub-area B: International Perspectives on Education and Lifelong Learning

Modules of the Sub-Area

  • International perspectives on education, ethics and sociality
  • Media education in an international perspective
  • Lifelong learning: international perspectives and policies
  • Organisational education and pedagogy
  • Educational management
  • Educational guidances and competence development
  • International learning project

Compulsory Elective Area II (25 ECTS-Points)

In compulsory elective area II, the required 25 ECTS credits must be completed either entirely in "Unterbereich C: Forschungsmethoden und Anwendungsfelder der empirischen Bildungsforschung" or entirely in "Sub-area D: Empirical research in adult education: research methods and fields of application".

Unterbereich C: Forschungsmethoden und Anwendungsfelder der empirischen Bildungsforschung

Module des Unterbereichs

  • Forschungsmethoden und Anwendungsfelder der empirischen Bildungsforschung

Sub-area D: Empirical research in adult education: research methods and fields of application

Modules of the Sub-Area

  • Application fields of research in education
  • International-comparative adult and continuing education

Compulsory Elective Area III (20 ECTS-Points)

In compulsory elective area III, the required 20 ECTS credits must be completed either entirely in "Unterbereich E: Kulturpädagogik", entirely in "Unterbereich F: Erwachsenenbildung/Weiterbildung", or entirely in "Sub-area F: Adult and Continuing Education".

Unterbereich E: Kulturpädagogik

Module des Unterbereichs

  • Kulturtheorie
  • Ästhetische Bildung und Kulturtechnologien
  • Kultur als pädagogisches Praxis- und Arbeitsfeld

Unterbereich F: Erwachsenenbildung/ Weiterbildung

Module des Unterbereichs

  • Kontexte und Theorien von Erwachsenenbildung/Weiterbildung
  • Erwachsenenbildung/Weiterbildung als pädagogisches Arbeitsfeld


Sub-Area F: Adult and Continuing Education

Modules of the Sub-Area

  • Contexts and theories of adult and continuing education
  • Adult and continuing education as educational field of action


Degree Area

Master-Thesis in Education

Possible areas: general pedagogy, empirical educational research, (international) adult and continuing education.