Assist. Prof. Nélia Vicente

International strategies in adult education
Master’s students, doctoral students and practitioners working on “International strategies in adult education and lifelong learning” in the first week of the Adult Education Academy will use a policy analysis perspective. This perspective will enhance their analytical skills by integrating and analysing different perspectives. The theoretical analysis perspective is accompanied by field visits to adult education providers in and around Würzburg. Presentations of international adult education organisations (EAEA, ICAE, DVV Internation-al) will complete the programme. These insights will be applied to the analytical models as case studies.
Mikulec, Borut & Ferreira, Mário & Vicente, Nélia. (2023). Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning in Portugal and Slovenia. Andragoske studije. 71-96. 10.5937/AndStud2301071M.
Vicente, Nélia. (2022). Competitividade empresarial e aprendizagem que conceitos e práticas precisamos na formação contínua. 10-13.
Vicente, Nélia. (2021). Aprender Importa.
Vicente, Nélia. (2000). Un regard sur la sociologie au Portugal. Sociologies Pratiques.
Her main interests have been the trajectories formal and non-formal; Professional training based on the work context; adult learning.
Nélia Vicente is a Guest Assistant Professor at Instituto de Educação, Universidade de Lisboa. She holds a Master in Sociology and does a PhD on adult education.