Adult Education Academy

Dr. Concetta Tino

What excites you about adult learning and education?  
"Understanding the transformative power of learning experiences on adult learners and their personal agency."

Why did you choose to do research in the field of adult learning and education? 
"Because this research field offers the opportunity  to keep up with social transformation and changes."



Concetta Tino, PhD, currently, she is an adjunct professor in Continuing Education and teach in different courses of master and bachelor’s degree at University of Padua.

  • teachers professional development
  • work-related learning
  • formative assessment and feedback
  • the development of soft skills and professional competences for students and teachers within work-related learning experiences
  • women leadership

She published many arti-cles, books and chapters.

CG1: Trajectories of women’s career in Higher Education

Co-Moderator: Prof. Monica Fedeli 

The representation of women in the workforce has increased in the last fifty years, but in positions of power it is still limited because of gender stereotypes and gender inequity (Slaughter 2012; Volti, 2008). The phenomenon reflects the occupational gender segregation and the different distribution of women across academic departments in academia. Gender discrimination is explained as a “glass ceiling effect” to illustrate invisible blocks restricting women’s entry into higher echelons (Haslam & Ryan, 2008, p. 530).

There seem to be different variables that affect women’s career advancement in academia:

  • the number of service years for career advancement opportunities. Males have a faster career;
  • females face strong discrimination when trying to obtain a high position in male-dominated fields: the “glass elevator” works only for males (Turkmen & Eskin Bacaksiz, 2021);
  • underrepresentation and stereotypes, lack of supportive social networks, and chilly academic climates (Casad et al., 2020, p.2) seem to be factors that contribute to gender inequality in STEM fields;
  • the leaky pipeline phenomenon promotes the progressive loss of competent women faculty members in male-dominated fields (Sin-Ning C. Liu et al., 2019).

After the CGW the participants will know the state of the art in career advancement for women faculty and the challenges that women faculty have been facing to gain a recognised position in academia. They will explore gender equity in career advancement controlling for work-related and family-related factors and learn how to compare women’s career progression factors in the academia of different countries.

  1. TINO, C. & FEDELI, M. (2022).  Career planning, proactivity, self-employability, and labour market: undergraduates’ perceptions. Form@ re-Open Journal per la formazione in rete, 22(1), 262-278.
  2. TINO, C. LAVAGNOLO, M.C., FEDELI, M.& BIEREMA, L. (2022). Women’s Career Decision Making And Interest In Engineering: A Qualitative Analysis Of Influential Personal And Contextual Factors. Andragoška spoznanja, 1-22
  3. TINO, C., & STEFANINI A. (2021a).   Un modello di didattica universitaria sincrona: percezioni di studenti/esse. Form@re - Open Journal per la formazione in rete, 21(1), 172-187.
  4. TINO, C., & STEFANINI A. (2021b).  Apprendimento a distanza all’università nel periodo del Covid19 e confronto con la modalità F2F: percezioni di studenti e studentesse. FORMAZIONE & INSEGNAMENTO. Rivista internazionale di Scienze dell'educazione e della formazione, XIX (2), 96-111. 10.7346/-fei-XIX-02-21_10. SSN 2279-7505
  5. TINO, C. & FEDELI, M. (2021a). Le neuroscienze possono informare la didattica? Il parere degli esperti. RESEARCH TRENDS IN HUMANITIES Education & Philosophy, 8, 31-41
  6. TINO, C., & M. FEDELI. (2021b). Teaching practices can support the natural learning brain process: a study on students’ perceptions in Higher Education. RESEARCH TRENDS IN HUMANITIES Education & Philosophy, 8, 42-55
  7. TINO, C. (2020): An integrative interpretation of personal and contextual factors of students’resistance to Active Learning and teaching strategies. Studies in Adult Education and Learning, Andragoška spoznanja Journal,26 (2),59-74.
  8. FEDELI, M., & TINO, C. (2020). Guidelines on teachers’ practices. A guide for instructors and practitioners to innovate practices in higher education and adult learning. Lecce-Brescia: Pensamultimedia. ISBN978-88-6760-796-9.



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