Adult Education Academy

Theories for international adult education (Doctoral students)

Monday, 3 February 2020

08.30 - 9.15:


09.30 - 11.30:

Introduction & welcome I Prof. Egetenmeyer

13.00 - 17.00:

PLENARY LECTURE: The politicity of education: politics, policies, strategies— Introducing Paulo Neves Reglus Freire (1921-1997): Biography and bibliography I Prof. Lima

17.00 - 18.00:

Information for participants who intend to get a grade


Tuesday, 4 February 2020

09.00 - 12.00:

Why studying Freire today? The contributions of Freire to policy studies in ALE/LLL: Critical encounters with Ettore Gelpi and Ivan Illich I Prof. Lima

13.30 - 15.00:

Adult education providers in Germany I Prof. Egetenmeyer 

15.15 - 17.00:

Group work on Freire I Prof. Lima 

18.00 - 19.00:

Guided Würzburg tour


Wednesday, 5 February 2020

09.00 - 11.45:

The opus magnum: The Pedagogy of the Oppressed and its main concepts Radical democracy, liberation and participation; modernization and development. Extension or Communication? Education as the Practice of Freedom I Prof. Lima 

13.00 - 15.00:

Conscientization of oppression I Prof. Tamish

15.10 - 18.00:

Field Visits in Würzburg

(1) red: Public Fire Fighting Academy, Würzburg

(2) green: Domschule Academy, Würzburg

(3) blue: Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Würzburg-Schweinfurt


Thursday, 6 February 2020

09.00 - 11.30:

Popular adult education & critical literacy: reading the world & reading the words I Prof. Lima


Field Visits to Adult and Continuing Education Providers in Frankfurt


Friday, 7 February 2020

09.00 - 10.20:

The Pedagogy of Freedom: Teaching and learning – ethics, democracy, autonomy and participation in decision making I Prof. Lima

10.40 - 12.00:

How to adopt Freire's work in the professionalisation process of adult educators? I Prof. Tamish

13.00 - 15.00:

Field insights to main stakeholders

(1) black: Global advocacy for adult learning: The role of the International Council for Adult Education I Prof. Sir Alan Tuckett, International Council for Adult Education

(2) grey: Education for Everyone. Worldwide. Lifelong - Strategies of DVV International in the field of Adult Education and Development cooperation I Esther Hirsch, DVV International

15.30 - 17.00:

Reflection on Field Explorations in a Freirian perspective I Prof. Lima & Prof. Tamish